Celebrating 5 Years of Excellence: Ljubiša Jurošević’s Remarkable Contribution to Our Team!

Ljubiša Jurošević is not only a highly skilled expert in geospatial technology and infrastructure management, but also a true ambassador of DataDEV. With years of experience managing large-scale road and rail infrastructure projects, he seamlessly blends technical expertise with invaluable soft skills such as leadership, communication, and problem-solving. Ljubiša’s ability Read more…

Interns Share Their Experiences: How Mentorship and Skill Development Shine in the First Step Program

In DataDEV, we develop a culture that fosters collaboration, knowledge sharing, and experiential learning. Our internship program goes beyond just practical experience; it’s a journey where interns become friends, explore new interests, join sports teams, and even achieve personal milestones. Many of our interns have discovered passions in geodesy and Read more…

Connecting with Students: DataDEV at the Student Fair of Professional Development

On May 11th, 2023, DataDEV had the privilege of participating in the Student Fair of Professional Development at the Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. The event brought together 14 companies and more than 500 participants, providing an exceptional opportunity for students and other interested parties to explore various career paths and meet with potential employers.


Excitement, enthusiasm, and an unbeatable team spirit were in the air as our company took part in the highly anticipated Serbia Business Run event held in Novi Sad yesterday. It was an experience like no other, and we are thrilled to have been a part of it!


As the CEO of DataDEV, Dejan Vasic has spent many years building and implementing a company culture that reflects shared values, a positive attitude, and high standards. In this Q&A blog post, Dejan shares his insights on the importance of company culture, achieving success, staying informed about industry trends, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.